Surname Štohera

In Fragments of the oldest Glagolitic register books of Brbinj parish, there are several entries of the surname Štohera, or, apparently, one version of that surname, Štoherić. Thus, in 1606, Mikula Štoherić was registered as godfather at a baptism in Brbinj, and in the same year, the baptism of the son of Mikula Štohera and his wife Elena was also registered. Mikula Štoherić and Jele Štohrina were registered as godparents at baptisms in Brbinj in 1609, so obviously the Štohera are an old family from Brbinj. What is also interesting is that, although Štohera was entered in the Glagolitic registers of Brbinj parish in 1606 and 1609, the surname Štohera was not recorded in Brbinj in the population census from 1608. As with some other families from Brbinj, I believe that the Štoherins were entered in the population census in 1608 under a different surname.

I found the Štohera surname in the Glagolitic registers of Brbinj parish in 1672, when the fact of the marriage of Ivan, son of Ivan Štohera and Ela, daughter of Mikula Rančić, was entered in the register of marriages. In the register of the dead, the fact of the death of Ivo Štohera at the age of 57 was entered in 1703, and in 1718 the fact of the death of Elena Štoherina at the age of about 80, so they could be Ivan and Ela from the marriage register.

Štohera family were not an excessively numerous genus. In the register of marriages, we have a marriage entry in 1700 "between Ivan Fatović from Sestrunj and Lucia, daughter of Ivan Štoherin, in 1708 an entry of a marriage "between Petar, who was taken as a child and raised by Peter Špano without knowing her father and between Manda, daughter of the late Šimun Štohere" and also In 1708, registration of the marriage of "Ivo of the late Anton Kaleb and Ursa daughter of the late Šimun Štohere"

After these entries in the register of marriages of Brbinj parish, there are no Štohera family members until 1772, when Manda, daughter of Matia Štohere, marries Grgur, son of Jure Brunac, in 1777, when Matija, daughter of Mate Štohera, marries Mihovil, son of the late Jivan Rančev and In 1782, when Anton, son of Mate Štohera, married Mara, daughter of the late Stipan Grgin.

After analyzing the data from the birth register, it is clear that Matia or Mate Štohera suddenly appears, without information about his birth as Štohera. My conclusion is that Matia Štohera is actually Matia or Mate born to Petar Španol (Španolić or later Perin) and Manda, daughter of Šimun Štohera. Thus, with the extinction of the male line of the Štohera family, Matij or Mate Španolić (Perin), whose mother was Manda b. Štohera probably came to the Štoherina estate and took the surname Štohera. That this is so is also confirmed by the birth and death data of Matij Španolić or Štohere. Namely, in the register of those who died in 1794, there is an entry of the death of Mate Štohera at the age of 84. In the register of births in 1710, there is no record of the birth of Mata or Matija Štohera, nor of any child of the Štohera family (neither in the year before nor after 1710), but there is an entry of Matija from Petar Španol and Manda. It was previously stated that Manda Štohera married Petar Španol (Španolić or Perin) in 1708.[1].

In the register of marriages of the parish of Brbinj in 1739, the marriage "between Matij son of Petar Španol and Matija daughter of Grgur Tucić" was registered. In the register of births of the parish of Brbinj in 1742 the birth of Manda to Matia Španolić and Matia Grgina was recorded, in 1745 the birth of Mihovil to Matia Španolić and Matia Grgina, and in 1748 the birth of Matia to Matij Štohera and Matia Grgin was recorded. Thus, in 1748, Matia Španolić was called Matia Štoherin for the first time. Matia Štoherin and Matia Grgina had Anton and Franica in 1753 and 1760. In the register of marriages, there is no entry of a marriage between Matia Štohere and Manda Grgina (Tucić), so my conclusion is that Matia Štoherin and Matia Grgina are exactly Matia the son of Petar Španol and Matia the daughter of Grgur Tucić, from the register of marriages from 1739.

So as far as the 18th century is concerned, Štohera family are actually Španolić or Perin in the male line, and Štohera in the female line. They have frequent marriages with the Grgin family, because Matia Španolić later Štohera marries Matia, daughter of Grgur Tucić, and Anton, son of Matia Štohera, marries Mara, daughter of Stipan Grgin, so they are "Denšpinšani" (got permission from the arcibiscup to marry) from the third generation".[2], which is also an indication that Matia or Mate Španolić came to the estate of his mother Manda Štohera and took the surname Štohera.

Don Riko wrote[3] how in the 19th century Ante Pesić, son of Jure, came to Štohera family estate and married Marija Biličina Kamilova. After the death of their son Šime, Mate Ivančev came and married his widow and took the surname Ivančev.


[1] See the section on the Perin, Španolić, Bubina family

[2] So the relatives are in the third generation, so they received a release or permission to marry from the archbishop of Zadar, which is explicitly stated in the entry of the fact of their marriage in the register of marriages of Brbinj parish from 1782.

[3] Don Leonard Riko Finka: Chronicle of Brbinj parish, unpublished manuscript, p. 370.

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