Surnames Španjol and Franićev
In Brbinj today, Španjol family are also called Franićev. Research into the Glagolitic registers of Brbinj parish shows that Franićev family members are descendants of Franić (Frane) Španjol.
The marriage register of Brbinj parish, which is older and starts with 1650, reveals that the daughters of Eivan (Ivan) Španol were married in 1656 and 1660.[1] Mara and Ejlina. In 1694, Manda, daughter of Ivan Španol, married Ivan Božaev[2], but I assume that she is the daughter of Ivan Španol, son of Franić Španol.
In 1665, 1672, 1674, 1678 and 1687, the daughters and son of Franić Španol got married: Klara, Ivan, Mandalina, Mara and again Ivan[3]. It is probably the same Ivan Španol who married Mara Meštrović (Masnova) in 1672, which I assume is the basis of the family connection due to which Šime Masnov and Justina Španol, who got married in 1784, had to get permission from the archbishop of Zadar to marry due to a blood relationship in the fourth generation, and Ivan Španol, who married Mandalina daughter of Matij in 1687. That Ivan Španol was a widower, i.e. that his first wife Mara Meštrović (Masnov) died, is indicated in the entry of the death of Mara Španolov in the register of deaths of Brbinj parish from 1686. She was 40 years old at the time, so she could be Mara born. Meštrović (Masnov).
In that period, we also have the marriage of Petar Špano and Mara Kaleb in 1668 and the marriage between Petar Špano and Manda, daughter of Gargur Tucić, in 1672. I assume that this is Petar Špan (Špánjol), who raised a child of the same name, Petar Španol, from whom the Perin family originated.[4].
In this period of the second half of the 17th century, we have Ivan, Franić and Petar Španol and their descendants. I believe that the descendants of Petar Španjol or his adopted son Petar are members of the family that we today call Perin, while the line of Ivan Španol seems to have died out according to the Glagolitic books because he only had female descendants. According to my conclusion, which I explain below, the present-day Španjol or the Franićev family members are descendants of Franić Španol, although it is not clear whether today's Franićev are called Franićev after him or after his great-grandson Franić (Fran) Španol (further Franić Španol jr.), born in 1738 from father Toma Španol.
The lineage of Franić Španol the elder continued through his son Ivan Španol and further Visko Španol who could be the son of Ivan Španol. Visko Španol had children Ivan, Luka, Margarita, Frane, Bartula, Frane, Tome and Juraj[5]. The Španol family continues through his sons Luka and Toma.[6].
Luka Španol had male descendants Jive Španol born in 1726 and Mate Španol who was born in 1728. Mate Španol, according to the information I found in Glagolitic registers, had only female descendants, namely Kata, Justina, Jivanica and Ursula.[7]. Justina married first Šime Masnov, and after his death she married Tomas Vladić Panada, who came from Savar to the estate of the Masnov family and took the surname Masnov, and all the descendants of the Masnov family today are actually the descendants of Justina Španol and Tomas Vladić, known as Panada, later Masnov. Jive (Jivan or Ivan) Španol was married twice, first to Manda Sablina from Brgulje and the second time to Pilipa (Filipa) Kamilov. He had children with both women[8], but according to the information I was able to find in the registers, his sons had no descendents. In the registry of marriages in 1805, there is an entry of the marriage between Jadrij Grubin (the Grubin are from Miklanjev family) and Mara, daughter of Jivan Španol. In the marriage registers of Brbinj parish after 1825, when the registers were already written in Latin, I found marriage entries between Jure Perin and Andrijana Španol and between Mate Španol and Stošija Perin in the same year, 1834. Andrijana Španol and Mate Španol have the same parents Jadre Španol and Mara Španol.
Based on this information, I concluded that Jadre Španol is actually Jadre Grubin, i.e. Mikljanjev, who married Mara Španolova from Ivan Španol and came to the estate of the Španol family (from Luka Španol) because Luka Španol's sons either had no male children or their sons had no descendants.
Tome Španol had male descendants Lovre, Tome, Frane and Jure. From them, the lineage was continued by Frane or Franić Španol who was born in 1738 and who married three times, first in 1761 to Kata Brunac, in 1766 to Franica Miklanić and in 1774 to Matija Rančeva, and with all the women he had children.
In the register of marriages of Brbinj parish in 1836, we find a marriage entry Andrea Spagnol alias Franichev and Giovanna Scochin[9]. Andrea Spagnola's parents are Giovanni Spagnol and Filipa Perin. These entries agree with the entry of the marriage of Jivan, son of Frane Španol, and Filipa, daughter of the late Jivan Perin, in 1805. According to this information, Andrea Spagnol is the grandson of Franić Španol Jr. and that is why he is called Spagnol alias Franichev.
In the register of births of Brbinj parish, I found the first entry of the Franić family in 1716, when they acted as godparents at the baptism of Matij, withson of Franić Barićević and his wife Jelena are registered godfathers Ivo Franićev and Mara Franićev.
In the register of deaths of Brbinj parish, the surname Franićev appears for the first time in 1771, when the fact of the death of Lovre Franićev at the age of 26 was recorded. By researching the birth register, we will come to the information that Lovre was born in 1745 and that he was the son of Toma Spagnol, the brother of Franić Španol Jr. and the great-grandson of Franić Španol Sr. Since he is called Franić in the death register, I conclude that the Španols were called Franićevi, after Franić Španol the elder, even before they were called Franić's after Franić Španol the younger, albeit rarely. Thus, in the register of deaths in 1792, the fact of the death of Mara Franićeva at the age of 89 is entered, which I believe is Margarita Španolova (Franićeva), born in 1704 to father Visko Španol and mother Margarita (her mother Margarita is later listed in the register of births called Mare, so it is also possible that her daughter Margarita was named Mare in the death register).
So, both the Španjol and the Franić family descend from Franić Španjol the elder and later Visko Španjol. The family branches through Luka Španjol and Tome Španjol, sons of Visko Španjol. Tom Španjol's son is Franić Španjol, Jr., and Luka Španjol had a son Ivan Španjol, whose daughter Mara married Jadrij Grubin (Mikljanjev), who probably took the surname Španjol and came to the estate in the Španjol family.
Španjol family was clearly a respected family in Brbinj because their families produced many captains of the village of Brbinj and priests, for example don Jure Španol, don Ivan Španol, don Pere Španol, captain Visko Španol, captain Ivan Španol.
In the population census from 1608, two Spagnol families are listed in Brbinj, one is the family of Piero Spagnol and the other is that of Zuanne Spagnol, i.e. the families of Peter and Ivan Španjol.
In the Excerpts of the oldest register books of the Brbinj parish, we have an entry from 1602, from which we learn that a "marriage was performed" between "Matij Abelić and Lucija Španol and was witnessed by Stipan Marko?, Šimun Pesićević, fra Dunat Brunčić". In Fragments of the register of Baptisms, Petar Španolov is godfather at baptisms four times in 1602, and also godfather in 1604 and 1608. In 1605 and 1606, Peter Španjal himself had children baptized, a daughter with the same name, Margarita, which indicates that the first child died during childbirth or shortly after. From these entries we learn that Petrov s wife was Klara Pomaglić, so she is probably from Savar. According to my conclusion, this Petar Španjol is the progenitor of the Španjolić family, or later called the Perin family, as we call them today in Brbinj.
In The book of Chrisms, the surname Franićev is entered only twice, in 1777 when Osip, son of Antona Franićev and Šime Ivančev, was baptized and in 1786 when Matija, daughter of Lovre Rančeva and Ustina Franićev, was baptized. That Ustina or Justina Franićev is actually a Spanol can be seen from the marriage registration from 1775, when the marriage was registered "between Lovre, son of Jure Rančev and Justina, daughter of Jivan Španol and Manda Sablin from Brgulje, witnessed by don Lovre Masnov and Jive Bolona". The book of Chrisms is full of entries of the surname Španjol, which indicates that the Španjols were a numerous family in that period.
[1] See the registry of those married in 1656 and 1660
[2] See the registry of those married in 1694
[3] See the register of marriages in the specified years
[4] See the origin of the surname Perin
[5] See the register of births in the years 1699, 1700, 1704, 1705, 1707, 1708, 1710 and 1719.
[6] See the register of births for the descendants of Luka Španol in the years 1726, 1728, 1731, 1734, 1738, 1741 and 1744, and for the descendants of Tome Španol in the years 1733, 1735, 1738, 1739 and 1745.
[7] See the register of births for the descendants of Mate Španol in the years 1759, 1761, 1764 and 1765.
[8] See the register of births for descendants of Ivan Španol in the years 1749, 1753, 1755, 1761, 1781, 1782, 1784, 1787.
[9] The registers are then kept in the Italian language and the Latin script, Giovanna Scochin is from Castel Vitturia, i.e. from Kaštel Lukšić