Surnames Supinov (Supin) and Luhšić (Lukšić)
In the List of souls of Brbinj parish from 1710, we find Šime Supin, Frane Supin and Ursa Supin. In the list of souls in 1709, not a single person with the surname Supin or Supinov was entered, but Ive, Šime and Frane Luškić and Ursa Lušćić were entered. I believe that the Supins are actually the Lukšićs.
When the Lukšić surname are entered in the list, there are no surname Supin, and vice versa, in the previously mentioned lists, the members of Lukšić family and the members of Supin family are in approximately the same place in the list, between the Mrakalić surname (the Mrakalić surname are, according to my conclusion, second surname or old surname of Brbinj family which we today know as Peričin family) and the Brunčev surname, which corresponds to the current position of their house in Brbinj.
In the Book of dead of the parish of Brbinj in 1665, there is an entry of the death of "Mara Luhšić, wife of Supin (ov)", which I think is the best indicator of how the surname Supinov came about. In the Book of dead in 1664, it says, for example, "Elena Rančića, wife of Ivan(ova)" or "from 1665, "Mare Miklaneva, wife of Šimun(ova)", so the pastor at that time specified a woman by her husband's name (or a nickname, I don't believe that Supina was a personal name) . In 1662, the marriage registry records the marriage of Eivan Stamać and Cecilija, daughter of Matij Matučić, and the witnesses were Eure Supina and Petar Špano. It is possible that "Mare Luhšić's wife Supinov" is the wife of Eura (Jura) Supinov, who died in 1679 at the age of 90.
That the members of Supin family had "second" surname Lukšić can be seen from the List of souls of Brbinj parish. Namely, in the List of souls from 1662, Eure Supin and Jakomin Supinov were entered after Mrakalić (Peričin). Next, in 1663, Ure Luhšić and Jakomin Luhšić were registered after Mrakalić (Peričin).
From the Book of Chrisms, we learn that in the second half of the 17th century, children were born in Luhšić family from parents Jura Lukšić and his wife Gruba who had daughter Kata, and from parnets Šima Luhšić and his wife Jakomina, who had daughters Kate and Ela and son Ivan.
Their lineage is continued by Ivan Supina, son of Šimun Luhšić, who married Ursa, daughter of Franić Španjol, in 1689.[1] and in 1693 a son Šimun was born, in 1696 a son Franić, in 1699 a daughter Matia, in 1702 a son Ivan and in 1706 a daughter Bartula[2].
In 1732, Šimun Lukšić married Mara "addopted child raised by Manda, wife of Šimun Baran".[3] daughter Jivanica was born to them in 1734, daughter Ursula in 1737, daughter Matia in 1739 and son Ivan in 1742[4]. That Šimun Lukšić's wife is an addopted child ("mulica") can be seen from the entry in the register of marriages in 1760, when a note was entered about the marriage "between Ivan son of Šimun Miklanić ato Kaštelanić and Ursa Banova from Savar and between Matia, daughter of Šimun Luhšić and Mara of the unknown parents“.
On the example of the death of Jivanica Supinova, it can be seen that the Supin family is actually Luksic family, it is the same family, namely Jivanica was born in 1734 to father Šimun Supinov and mother Mara, and died in 1752 as Ivanica Lugšić at the age of 19. Ive Lušić dies in 1765 with an "incirka" at the age of 20, who I believe is Ivan Lugšić from Šimun Lugšić. With his death, the male line of the Lukšićs, i.e. the Supins, ends.
After this break in the male line of the Supin family, the surname Supina reappears in the register of births of Brbinj parish, i.e. we find Mate Supina who with Matija Pešušić from Soline in 1784 had a daughter Tomica, a son Antun in 1786, a son Antun again in 1789 and a son Grgur in 1792.[5]. In the register of births and the register of marriages there is no information about Mate who would have been born in the Supin or Lukšić family or Mate Supinov who would have married Matija Pešušič from Soline, but in the register of marriages in 1770 the marriage between Mate son of Visko Cvitulić and Matija daughter of Mara Pešušić from Soline was recorded.[6]. Also, when Antun was born in 1786, the father was indicated as Mate Cvitulić and the mother was Matija Pešušić from Soline. According to this data, I conclude that after the extinction of the male line of the Supin family, that is, the Lukšić family, Mate, the son of Visko Cvitulić (Longin), who married Matija Pešušić from Solin, came to their estate.
Mate (Matij) Supinov (actually Cvitulić) and Matija Pešušić from Soline had children even before 1784, when they were first indicated as Supinov in the birth register, so they had in 1771. son Tome, in 1774. son Šimun, in 1776. son Antun, in1777. son Jivan, in 1779. daughter Matija, in 1780. son Mihovil and in 1783. daughter Filipa. According to these data, it can be concluded that Mate Cvitulić and Matija Pešušić took the surname Supinov in 1783 or 1784, that is, in those years they were entered in the Glagolitic registers under the surname Supina.
In 1807, a marriage between Jivan Supina, son of Matij Supina, and Ursa, daughter of the late Šimun Pavlov, was registered in the register of marriages of Brbinj parish. In the Franciscan cadastre from 1824, one of the Supin family members was entered as Giovanni Supina. Was that Jivan Supinov from Mate Supina (Cvitulić)?
In Fragments of the oldest Glagolitic register books of the parish of Brbinj, we find even older entries about the Luhšići or Lukšići. Thus, in 1602, in the register of baptisms, there is an entry: "I baptized Ivan Lukšić and his wife Margarita, daughter of Jakov Barolić, daughter Kata, godfather Petar Španolov and godfather Urso Vitežović". In the following year, the following was entered: ""I baptized daughter of Šimun Lukšić and her godfather was Ivan Vlah and Ursa daughter of Matij Vitežović", and in 1604 it was entered: "I baptized Elena daughter of Šimun Lukšić and his wife Katarina Šuvrinić from Žapuntel, godfather was Andrija Miličević and godfather Jelena Oblaković ".
In the population census of the islands of Zadar area from 1608, Simon Luxich was entered as resident of Brbinj, which should be Šimun Luhšić.
[1] Vidi maticu vjenčanih u 1689. godini
[2] Vidi maticu rođenih po navedenim godinama
[3] Vidi maticu vjenčanih u 1732. godini
[4] Vidi maticu rođenih po navedenim godinama
[5] Vidi maticu rođenih po navedenim godinama
[6] Vidi maticu vjenčanih u 1770. godini